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Dream and you will achieve it

Kostadin Draganov

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My name is Kostadin Draganov and I'm nineteen. I've graduated a private high school in Sofia, Bulgaria with a professional working degree in Graphic Design. Now I am taking a Bachelor degree in Media & Communication Management at a university in Munich, Germany.

Since 7th grade I've had a great love for Graphic Design. It's a way to express yourself in an aesthetically pleasing manner. Although design is to make things look beautiful 

its definitely more than that. Its main job is to visually solve problems and to help users get to their destination in the easiest way possible.

After experimenting and finding the many different fields hidden under the term "Graphic Design" I decided to specialize in visual brand identity. This includes logo design, web design, business cards, flyers, editorials, marketing materials etc.

My passions don't end up with just design. I love to express my creativity in many other artistic ways such as photography, illustration, journaling, videography and video editing. The YouTube channel I have is where I upload tech reviews of products, try new foods from around the world and express myself in front of my audience.

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